





Mid-Autumn Festival , Lunar Calendar , is a traditional Chinese cultural festival . Chinese people can enjoy the year ‘s largest and most round moon in the lunar night 15 to 16

Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival has been a lot of stories and legends. For modern people , Mid-Autumn Festival is a family reunion festival. Everyone eating family meals together , playing mahjong is the best way to celebrate the holidays

Tesla’s Self-Driving Software Gets a Major Update

THE AUTOPILOT SOFTWARE built into Tesla’s electric carsalready offers a glimpse of the future, with what feels likeautonomous driving on the freeway. Today the company announced a suite of upgrades to the system, to be pushed over-the-air to existing cars over the next couple of weeks.

“This is quite a massive enhancement,” said Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, at a press confernce. “I wish we could have done it earlier.”

Chief among the improvements in Autopilot Version 8.0 is increased reliance on the radar system in the company’s Model S and Model X. The sensors have been in Teslas since October 2014, and the new software will download and run on existing hardware—although Musk says it was quite a job to get it to fit.

Autopilot builds a picture of the world around it using a forward-looking camera mounted near the rear view mirror, a radar in the front bumper, and 12 ultrasonic sensors around the vehicle. Until now, the car’s computer has used the image from the camera as the primary information source.

Tesla says that the new software shifts that burden to the radar, unlocking six times as many information points per object with every reflected pulse. Ten times a second the radar will ping outward, and then assemble those reflections into a 3D image as the car moves.

Radar is a bit of a blunt tool when it comes to imaging, but Tesla has improved the signal processing to make it work, the company says. The repetition is helpful too; it’ll increase the car’s confidence that a reflected pulse is a real object. Obviously not seeing an actual object would be a big deal—the car might hit it. But false positives are almost as bad. An autonomous car is useless if it continually slams on the brakes for no reason.

Maybe even more importantly, the cars don’t learn in isolation. “We’re adding 1.5 million miles per day on Autopilot,” says Musk. And the whole fleet learns at once. Even when the system isn’t on, it’s gathering data. The radar could be triggered by a sign over the road, and think there’s something in the path. The radar image still gets geotagged, but if the driver doesn’t manually brake, and neither do several other Teslas at the same place, every Tesla everywhere will learn that it is not something to worry about.






Clayton火车站附近的香港超市可以买到几乎国内所有的超市食物,对面就是肉店,隔壁就是平价菜店,水果蔬菜新鲜实惠,方便一站式采购,日常采购首选地。Clayton Street Festival街头美食节每年都会在clayton road 举行。Spring Valley高尔夫俱乐部打高尔夫还是挺不错的,周末可以打个球再买菜去

墨尔本Springvale (离CBD 30公里)

Springvale, 首先,越南人区,跟墨尔本西区的footscray, sunshine, st.alban 感觉很像。超市东西品类齐全, 越南产品很多,其次价格相对便宜。 现在的Springvale人很多,越南人看上去简直是连个收费的停车地方都难找,每次我都要捡漏, 才勉强找到一个位置。 那里有很多的活的海鲜,如大筐大筐的虾,贝,小鲍鱼,各类鱼等。每次去吃碗越南河粉也非常不错。

地址:58 Buckingham Ave, Springvale


墨尔本RichmondVICTORIA ST 也称越南街(离CBD 5公里)


开车者从HODDLE RD 或者从CHURCH RD 都可以进VICTORIA ST, 但是很难找到PARK 车位,也要捡漏。

地址:Victoria st Richmond

墨尔本西区的footscray(离CBD 不到10公里)

footscray也称越南小区, 但是小区内东西便宜, 种类也多。主要在FOOTSCARY MARKET。Footscray菜场到了下午都是 one dollar one dollar 的叫卖声。非常的热闹。以前住西区的时候每周都会去买菜,那里的越南面包在market边上至少有3家是我的最爱,便宜又好吃。西区的很多华人每周都会光顾的地方。缺点就是太忙了停车位不够,每次都很难找位置。菜场附近现在基本没有免费停车footscray临近墨尔本港口,墨尔本鱼类海鲜的批发

地址:Byron St, Footscray (opposite the Footscray Station)

时间:周日至周四 9am-6pm; 周五9am-9pm; 周六 9am-7pm

墨尔本BOX HILL(离CBD 20公里)

墨尔本东区华人买菜的老区了box hill Centro有几家菜市场,不过多数是越南人是老板。 东西很整齐, 也看上去比越南小区那些都干净些, 另外周围环境相对好些, 但是价格相对贵些。每天来box hill 买菜的人络绎不绝

地址:1 Main Street, Box Hill

墨尔本北区的PRESTON (离CBD 12公里)

PRESTON也是个环境很不错的地方,华人中的福建人很多。最好的部分是miller st 到gibert road,商店像小村庄似的分布,一直到regent. 到是周末MARKET 大甩卖时非常的便宜, West Preston小学开于1915年,bell primary也是开设1928,女子中学在preston也不错。

地址:2/30 The Centreway, Preston

电话:03 9478 3130

时间:Sun-Thu 9am-6pm; Fri 9am-9pm; Sat 9am-7pm



南区华人少, 唯一就是SOUTH MELBOURNE MARKET到周末甩卖才会便宜,华人东西比较少。

墨尔本CBD的维多利亚女皇市场Queen Victoria market 属于CBD

维多利亚女皇市场Queen Victoria market  是很多留学生朋友的首选地方, 也许是交通比较方便吧, 它位于 Victoria st,墨尔本市中心55路tram可以直接到达 沿着地方也大。 它有时间限制, 一到周六下午时候就非常便宜, 平时还可以,基本上是一站式服务,很大恨全。

地址:155 Victoria St, Melbourne

电话:03 9320 5822

时间:周二至周四 6am-2pm; 周五 6am-5pm; 周六 6am-3pm; 周日 9am-4pm


Prahran Market

形成于淘金热时期。在这里你能找到卖鹅肉的,卖万国坚果的,还有菇类专业户。这里的东西相对贵些,当然富人区里很多讲究营养喜欢organic和healthy food的居民。Swinburn prahrn校区也在边上。有名的咖啡店Market Lane,Duke等都在此地。记得去转转Pino’s Fine Produce,其创始人来自意大利,给墨尔本几家最好的餐厅提供高级食材;Gary’s Meats能买到有机的saltbush lamb; Neil’s Meats卖的都是放牧牛羊肉; Prahran seafood, 店主的兄弟每日出海带回新鲜的扇贝。

Dandenong Market

墨尔本最具民族风情的市场,在这里能淘到来自非洲、印度和埃塞俄比亚的香料、种子和谷物。闲逛时可以吃到一种叫Lokma的土耳其甜甜圈,以及许多南非和印度的街边小吃。这样的小吃摊点,人挤着人,瓢盆食材尽收眼底,就是这么粗朴简单,没有花招,却充满情调。现在dandenong 市场的物价性价比非常高,很多华人周末喜欢到dandenong mountain爬个山,然后market买个菜。

地址:Cnr Cleeland & Clow St, Dandenong

电话:03 9701 3850

时间:周二 7am-4pm; 周五 7am-4pm; 周六 7am-4pm; 周日 10am-3pm


